Milton Band Fundraisers
Kroger Community Rewards
Kroger Community Rewards Program will donate a portion of your grocery order to Milton Bands.
Follow these easy steps to support Milton Bands:
- Sign into your account at or Kroger Community Rewards
- Clink on your name and select “My Account”
- Scroll down to see “Community Rewards” on the left
- Click “Change Organization”
- Search for “Milton High School Band Booster Club, #FB012” and click “search”
- Click “Enroll”
Publix Partners
Publix Partners donates a portion of your grocery purchase to the nonprofit of your choice.
Follow these easy steps to support Milton Bands:
- Sign into your account at
- Click your name to go to “Account Profile”
- Scroll across the top menu to the right where you will see “My Publix Partner”
- Click “Change” and search for “Milton High School Band”
- Click “Save”
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, February 6
- Friday, February 7