The 20th Annual Milton High School

White Columns Invitational 

Marching Band Competition 


A GMEA Sanctioned Marching Band Event


Saturday, November 1st, 2025

13025 Birmingham Highway Milton, Georgia 30004

Click the address above for directions.*

*Note that campus will not be accessible via Freemanville Road. Please use Birmingham Highway.



To ensure a comfortable experience, we will limit the event to around 16 total groups.


As of 2/28/25, 7 spots remain



to compete in the 20th Annual White Columns Invitational!

Questions?  Email




Registered Marching Bands: Meal Pre-Order Information


Pre-Order a meal for your band HERE (coming soon) and skip the line at concessions!


WCI is always filled to capacity, so pre-ordering meals is strongly recommended.


Questions?  Email



Planning to visit WCI?

Click here to find everything spectators need to know!



2025 Adjudication Panel

Music Performance: David Vandewalker

Music Performance: Scott McCloy

General Effect Music: Nick Golding

Visual Performance: Sandifer Reid Griffin

General Effect Visual: Carlos Gonzalez

Percussion: Omar Carmenates

Colorguard: Adam Heidenreich

Drum Majors: Jessica Kelley

 Rules and Regulations

 Classification System

-Bands will be classified according to the number of wind players.


-Bands may enter a higher classification but may not enter a lower classification.


Silver Division
Class A - Up To 24 Winds

Class AA - 25-49 Winds

Class AAA - 50-74 Winds


 Gold Division

Class AAAA - 75-100 Winds

Class AAAAA (OPEN) - 101 + Winds

Festival Class (comments only, no ratings)



     - Overall band scores for class, division, and overall placement will be in the GMEA Caption Format.


     - One judge will evaluate each band in their respective category for a maximum score of 100 in the following areas: Music Effect, Visual Effect, Music Performance, Visual Performance.


     - In addition, the following captions will be adjudicated, but will not be used or factored into the overall score: Drum Majors, Colorguard, and Percussion


- All scoring, recap release, and adjudicator commentary will be released through Competition Suite!



Superior: 85-100

Excellent: 70-84.99

Average: 55-69.99

Fair: below 55



Awards will be given in the following areas:


     - GMEA Ratings for colorguard, percussion and overall band for all competing bands, or Participation Plaques for exhibition groups


     - Caption Awards: 1st in Class for percussion, colorguard, drum majors, music performance, visual performance and overall general effect  in each class


     - Class Placement Awards: 3rd, 2nd, & 1st Place overall in all classes


- Phillip Mobley Equipment and Logistics Award (recognized by the Milton Band Equipment Crüe)


- Randall Coleman Award for Musical Excellence (highest music score, regardless of class)


     - Silver Division Grand Champions (Classes A, AA, AAA)


     - Gold Division Grand Champions (Class AAAA, AAAAA (OPEN)





Following the competition, each band will receive access to

complimentary professional photographs from Super Holiday Tours