Sponsoring Milton Band is an excellent way for your business to advertise to a local and regional audience throughout the calendar year. Our school hosts a multi-state, fall marching band competition and our ensembles travel to multiple competitions throughout Metro Atlanta and North Georgia in every season. Partner with us, experience our tradition of excellence and share in our success!
** NOTE **
To ensure your ad is include in the Friday Night Lights Keepsake program,
sponsorships must be finalized by July 1st
Ready for a Sponsorship? Click HERE
Sponsorship Levels
Questions? Email us at sponsorship@miltonband.org
Soaring Eagle Sponsorship - $10,000 (3 years)
- Full page advertisement in annual keepsake MHS Friday Night Lights Keepsake Program (August) and full-page advertisement in the White Columns Invitational Marching Band Competition program (November) for three years
- Company logo in all concert programs (3) and Winter Exhibition program
- Company logo/website on Milton Band’s 55’ semi-trailer, “Blue”, for 3 years
- Announcing your sponsorship on our social media (X, Facebook, Instagram)
- Your logo, a link to your company website and contact information displayed at www.miltonband.org
- Announcement of marching band half time performance sponsorship at home varsity football games
- Table at White Columns Invitational Marching Band Competition at MHS to promote business (sponsor can pass out flyers or promotional items during the event)
- Complimentary copy of the MHS Friday Night Lights Keepsake Program and a framed photograph of the Milton Marching Band
- Additional benefits open for discussion
Maestro Sponsorship - $5,000 (2 years)
- Full page advertisement in annual keepsake MHS Friday Night Lights Keepsake Program (August) and full page advertisement in the White Columns Invitational Marching Band Competition program (November) for each sponsorship year
- Company logo in all concert programs (3) and Winter Exhibition program
- Company logo on Milton Band’s 55’ semi-trailer, “Blue”, for 2 years
- Announcing your sponsorship on our social media (X, Facebook, Instagram) throughout two full calendar years
- Your logo, a link to your company website and contact information displayed at www.miltonband.org
- Announcement of marching band half time performance sponsorship at home varsity football games
- Table at White Columns Invitational Marching Band Competition at MHS to promote business (sponsor can pass out flyers or promotional items during the event)
- Complimentary copy of the MHS Friday Night Lights Keepsake Program and a framed photograph of the Milton Marching Band
- Additional benefits open for discussion
Platinum Saber Sponsorship - $2,500 (2 years)
- $250 student scholarship awarded on behalf of your company given during the first year of sponsorship
- Full page advertisement in annual keepsake MHS Friday Night Lights Keepsake Program (August) and full page advertisement in the White Columns Invitational Marching Band Competition program (November) for each sponsorship year
- Company logo in all concert programs (3) and Winter Exhibition program
- Company logo on Milton Band’s 55’ semi-trailer, “Blue”, for 2 years
- Announcing your sponsorship on our social media (X, Facebook, Instagram) throughout the full calendar year
- Your logo and a link to your company website displayed at www.miltonband.org
- Complimentary copy of the MHS Friday Night Lights Keepsake Program and a framed photograph of the Milton Marching Band
- Additional benefits open for discussion
Golden Snare Sponsorship - $1,000 (1 year)
- Full page advertisement in annual keepsake MHS Friday Night Lights Keepsake Program (August) and half page advertisement in the White Columns Invitational Marching Band Competition program (November)
- Company logo on back page of all concert programs (3) and Winter Exhibition program
- Announcing your sponsorship on our social media (X, Facebook, Instagram) throughout the full calendar year
- Your logo and a link to your company website displayed at www.miltonband.org
- Complimentary copy of the MHS Friday Night Lights Keepsake Program and a framed photograph of the Milton Marching Band
- Additional benefits open for discussion
Silver Trumpet Sponsorship - $500 (1 year)
- Half page advertisement in annual keepsake MHS Friday Night Lights Keepsake Program (August) and quarter page ad in the White Columns Invitational Marching Band Competition program (November)
- Announcing your sponsorship on our social media (X, Facebook, Instagram) throughout the calendar year
- Your logo and a link to your company website displayed at www.miltonband.org
- Complimentary copy of the MHS Friday Night Lights Keepsake Program and a framed photograph of the Milton Marching Band
- Additional benefits open for discussion
Bronze Plume Sponsorship - $250 (1 year)
- Quarter page ad in annual keepsake MHS Friday Night Lights Keepsake Program (August) and logo in the White Columns Invitational Marching Band Competition program (November)
- Announcing your sponsorship on our social media (X, Facebook, Instagram)
- Your logo and a link to your company website displayed at www.miltonband.org
- Complimentary copy of the MHS Friday Night Lights Keepsake Program and a framed photograph of the Milton Marching Band
Friends of Milton Band - $100 (1 year)
- Your logo and a link to your company website displayed at www.miltonband.org
Other Ways to Support Milton Band
- End of Year Band Banquet Dinner (May) - $5000. Benefits at the Maestro Sponsorship are included.
- Competition Meal for the Marching Band (5) - $1000. Benefits at the Golden Snare Sponsorship are included.
- Friday Night Meal for the Marching Band (10) - $500. Benefits at the Silver Trumpet Sponsorship are included.
- Indoor Drumline Dinner (12) - $250. Benefits at the Bronze Plume Sponsorship are included.
Ready for a Sponsorship? Click HERE
Questions? Email us at Sponsorship@miltonband.org
Milton High School Band Boosters is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
Your donation is tax deductible. A receipt will be provided.
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, February 6
- Friday, February 7