Milton Band Fundraiser


We are excited to announce that we will be doing a CoZzzy Comfy bed sheet fundraiser. This fundraiser will benefit our band programs and we welcome all band families to participate by placing orders!


To support our fundraiser, please share or visit Select Milton Band WG & MID - 2023 - HKC at checkout, and make sure to enter the name of your favorite band student in the box. Each set of linens is $50 (except Split King, which is $70). Extra pillowcases can be purchased for $16 per pair.


Orders can be shipped directly to your home for a shipping fee (perfect for out-of-town friends and family!).  The online code will stay open throughout the winter season with additional pick-up times.


If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Cahill at





We are so thankful to our sponsors for their generosity!


 Become a Sponsor!

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